Saturday, July 3, 2010

We've Moved!

As of today, we’re no longer at With the launch of the brand new V-Rag website comes a brand new blog as well,! All the same awesome content will be there, like V-WEB and the V-Rag Classic Track, as well as brand new daily blogs from Steve Adams and Josh Rimer, weekly contests and more! Stay tuned for the next generation of V-Rag Magazine Online! Head to and now!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Raye of Sunshine

With June almost over, the new issue special Anniversary edition of V-Rag is almost here! Which means this is your last chance to see our most popular photo shoot to date with Empress XXXIX Raye Sunshine. Photographer Kate McLaren created a magical candy-land with Sunshine as the sweet Candy Queen. Check out the photos here and be sure to check out more at next month's Pride in Art show at Five Sixty!